

发布时间: 2024-05-06 20:51:16北京青年报社官方账号

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Amazon’s cloud investments are a little harder to divine, given that the company reports capital expenditures across its entire business, which includes fulfillment centers and robots and massive downtown Seattle construction projects. But Brian Olsavsky, Amazon’s chief financial officer, pointed out on its own earnings call that capital leases related to AWS increased just nine percent during the quarter, citing internal moves to improve efficiency within those data centers.


Amazon’s growth in Seattle is staggering. As the company continues to post?record-breaking revenue numbers each quarter, it has added thousands of employees to its?rapidly expanding South Lake Union campus. Amazon could?soon cover roughly 10 million square feet in the city, which is about 25 percent of the total premium office space in downtown Seattle and enough room for more than 50,000 employees.


Amir Bahmeyeh, who said he was a student from Iran, was in the area at the time of the attack.


Amazon’s relationship with its hometown has turned sour over the past year. It started with a proposed tax on the city’s top-grossing businesses to fund affordable housing. The tech giant became the explicit target of the tax’s most vocal supporters, who marched on the company’s Seattle headquarters carrying “Tax Amazon” signs.


Among the businesses that are running entirely online, 47 percent said they will use online lending services provided by digital financial platforms. It shows that digitized operations have expanded their financing channels, making loans more accessible to these kinds of companies.


